In Push Notifications, you can create, edit and send mobile and website push notification messages.
You can learn more about Push Notifications by visiting our respective Mobile & Web Push Notifications articles.
Once Push Notifications are activated, a new element, named Push Notifications, will appear in your Admin Control Panel.
Clicking on it will allow you to have an overview of all Push Notifications you have created. Feel free to search for specific push messages using the search field, view the push target and set their status, published or not.
You may also create a new push message or modify an existing one by clicking the appropriate buttons.
Once inside a push notification item, you can modify its various details.
Firstly, you need to assign a name that will help you easily recognise it; names are only used internally, within your control panel and are not visible to your users.
Please note that an alias will automatically be generated based on the name you have typed; all aliases must have unique values.
Next, you need to set its status, Published or Unpublished. Published Push Notifications will appear both in your app or websites in Messages section, whether they have been sent or not.
Subsequently, you get to pick a title and type a short description for your Push Notification. Make sure to craft a title and an interesting description for maximum attention. Note that both fields have character limits. In case you have added Extra Languages to your plan you can set different titles and descriptions for each one.
Don't forget to define a target, iOS, Android or Websites.
Optionally, you can set a destination URL that will lead mobile app & website users directly to it. Make sure it starts with http:// or https://.
Last but not least, you can select an appropriate time to send your push message. You can choose to send it instantly, schedule it to be sent once or create a repeatable Push Notification.
Push Notifications are only sent in 15 minute time intervals, (00, 15, 30, 45). For example, if you schedule a push notification message to be sent at 21:09 it will be sent at 21:15.
In case you wish to send a general views item (e.g. an article) as a push notification you can do it by visiting that specific general views item in your control panel. This push notification will include the title, description and image of the general views item and will lead mobile app & website users directly to it.
Feel free to learn more about general views on our relevant article.
The following video tutorial demonstrates how you can manage Push Notifications using your Admin Control Panel.
Please note that some of the features and options displayed in this video might not be available or active in your plan.
If you have questions while watching, just ask us using the messenger in the lower right corner and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.