Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

You can find our Privacy Policy here.
    • Related Articles

    • Cancellation Policy

      Looksomething allows you to cancel your subscriptions at any time. All you have to do is submit a "Cancellation Request" for that specific subscription by logging in to your account. Our team will review your request and get back to you within 2 ...
    • Hosting Policy

      The following terms constitute our policy regarding our Hosting Services. Clients purchasing any of our solutions, automatically accept and agree to be bound by the following terms. Ownership Hosting for all our solutions is exclusively provided by ...
    • Email Policy

      The following terms constitute our policy regarding our Email Services. If you use our Email Services, by purchasing any of our “Website” or “Full Pack” solutions, you automatically accept and agree to be bound by the following terms. Notice: Our ...
    • Hosting Addons

      Our hosting plan for Website & Full Pack (mobile apps & websites) plans include: 5 GB storage 100 GB monthly traffic What if I need more? In case you reach and surpass the above limits then additional resources can be made available by getting the ...
    • Website Features

      Our functional and attractive websites will introduce your products or services to a wider audience while presenting a professional image for your business. Responsive, fast and search engine friendly they will encourage your customers to take action ...